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Making everyday life a stage

There are many benefits to regular stretching. Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, which is an important factor of fitness, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, and more. For the singing artist stretching is essential to ensuring the proper alignment and mobility needed for stage work and beyond.
The balancing act between tension and relaxation in singing can be difficult to manage. The fact of the matter is that a certain amount of tension, particularly in the abdomen, is needed to produce the singing voice. Over time, however, other physical tensions build up, impeding healthy, steady breath flow. It is especially important during this time, when it is easy to adopt a sedentary lifestyle, to maintain a flexibility and mobility routine to stay in peak form.
If you are new to a stretching routine, it can be difficult and overwhelming at first. Take it slowly! Targeting specific parts of the body can help focus your routines so that they aren’t stressful. Initially, it might be helpful to make a calendar, assigning days to focus on specific parts of the body. For example, Mondays can be dedicated to upper body relief, where you try moves that stretch the shoulders, neck, and lower back. Wednesdays can target areas that help with mobility like the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, and quadriceps.

As with any form of physical activity, it takes the body some time to adjust. Before taking up any exercise regimen, consult your physician to mitigate the risks, and understand the safety precautions that can prevent injury.
• If you have an acute or existing injury, only perform stretches recommended by your physician.
• If you have a chronic injury, consider talking with a sports medicine specialist or physical therapist to design a stretching protocol that fits your needs.
• If you have any physical limitations that prevent you from properly performing a stretching exercise, consult your doctor for alternative exercises that can help increase your flexibility.

We put together this schedule of daily stretching routines to help get you started.


  • Neck
  • Assisted Neck Pull
  • Ear Drop
  • Forward fold w/head nod
  • The Yes Stretch
  • Neck Circles


Seated Posture Check


  • Chest/Sternum
  • Elbow Wrap Stretch
  • Back Bend Stretch
  • Standing Chest Expansion


Seated Posture Check


  • Shoulders
  • Wall Angel
  • Arm Circles
  • Across the Chest Stretch
  • Eagle Arm Spinal Rolls

Click for full routine

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